Burnt Factory Church
A Traditional Methodist Church
Watch Our Services
Tune into our live stream of our worship service every Sunday at 8:30 am and 11:00 AM.

Children's Christmas Program
Outreach Team
The Outreach Team will be meeting on January 2 at 7pm in the Administrative Cottage. Now is the time to become part of an amazing team that provides mission and ministries in the community. Come and see all the places we serve, and new exciting missions for the new year.
Spiritual Gifts Seminar
Pastor Steve is going to lead a seminar on Spiritual Gifts on January 25 th from 9am-2pm with lunch provided. This is a wonderful opportunity to discern your spiritual gifts and explore God’s calling for you!
Birthday/Anniversary List
One of the things we love to do here at Burnt Factory is celebrate each other. We love to announce
birthdays and anniversaries during the Joy portion of our services and celebrate you in our
newsletters. You may even get a card or two! You can sign up in the fellowship hall, run don’t walk
and sign up!

The Handyman Team
The Handyman Team completed its first project on September 23 …installing a new storm door. If you would like to become a part of The Handyman Team, please contact the church at admin@bunrtfactory.org